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New Moon in Leo

Yesterday (8/14/15) we had a lovely new Moon in the sign of Leo, setting the stage for creative and pleasurable initiating energy, or perhaps pointing out to us the ways in which we're overly dramatic, demanding inappropriate attention to ourselves. On one hand the Moon aligns with our urananian inner urges for independence and freedom, but it finds itself in a difficult disconnect with our current plutonian need to transform the structures of our lives and in the world. Basically we can't do the deep healing work we might need to in order to create long term gains if we're too self centered and erratic. But if we find the balance between these competing energies we have an opportunity to create the mindful quality of authentic freedom and personal expression we seek.

Lost of rest, connection with loved ones, reviewing plans and recharging our spirits might be good goals for the month of August. I wouldn't try to travel too far or get too much done unless it was really important and the level of mindfulness was focused strongly.

Meanwhile our three time a year Mercury retrograde cycle is about to begin in the sign of Virgo (and opposite Neptune), although it quickly comes back into Leo for most of the retrograde time. Starting out in Virgo reminds us there's skillful work to do; problems to be solved. Then as the Leo vibe comes in we are asked the questions: Are you aligned with creativity, children, pleasure and romance in a way that speaks to your higher truth, or have you lost your authentic voice? Or perhaps are you drifting a bit in superficial pleasure seeking or meaningless pursuits of ego and image?

Many people have been feeling particularly stressed out lately, so the desire to find drift, seek mood altering experiences or just space out of the anxieties is heightened. This is a great month to look at our personal tendencies in the face of stress, ponder these questions and find a gentle course correction. Then as the fruition of the summer's eclipses and Pluto's movement forward occurs, we can be where we want to be.

And where is that, you might ask?

We want to be riding these waves, willing to risk, change, grow and evolve. We want to stay heart centered, filled with compassion, releasing fear and anxiety with every conscious breath we can muster. We could perhaps stop trying to keep things the same when we know they're not working, just because we're afraid of the unknown. The stakes are high.

The planets are simply providing us with symbolic information to help light the path. But we are the path, and our thoughts, words and choices continually co-create the path. We have the opportunity to open to a sense of creative connection, to deepen our path.

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