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The Moon: Men can have monthly cycles too

Much is often made of the fact that many women suffer from bad moods or a swing in emotions at certain times of the month but did you know that some men can suffer from this too? Of course, men do not have a monthly bleed and nor do they suffer from constantly changing hormone levels but their emotions can ebb and flow on a fairly predictable pattern just as much as a woman's.

I first noticed this with an ex-boyfriend of mine after I had a placed a large moon calendar on the wall of my study that clearly showed the position and sign of the moon for every single day of the year. I started to note down the days that we would argue and the days that we would have a lot of fun together and after a few months the evidence was clear. As soon as the moon would reach the sign of Aquarius my boyfriend would get more difficult to be around and by the time the moon reached the sign of Pisces, it was a sure thing that we were going to have an argument.

Now admittedly, my boyfriend at the time had quite a predominance of water in his chart (he was a Cancer sun with Scorpio rising and Neptune in the first house) so we would expect this to a certain extent anyway, but it got me thinking about all the other men I'd known in my life - ones who didn't necessarily have so much water in their horoscope. So I started to pay attention to my relationship with my dad, with other male friends and, after my boyfriend and I had split up, the emotional cycle of my next boyfriend.

For me, the evidence is clear. Men do ebb and flow - some more than others - and there is a corelation with which sign the moon happens to be in (and whether or not there's a full moon).

Have you ever noticed this? What have you discovered?

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